
New piece I finished recently,   "Love Not Hate, Save the EPA", 36 x 96 in. 


Rhonda Wall Interview in "Art Spiel"


If you’d like to hear more about my process, read this interview by Etty Yaniv in Art Spiel.

I see my work as painting/collages. Oftentimes, I research the different subjects I’m working on. My large pieces start with painted non-objective backgrounds, and then I work on the collage aspect. The images are reduced or enlarged, and hand cut. Each collage piece is outlined and put together with many pieces. After the pieces are glued on, I go back and paint into the piece more. When I was 13, I went to MOMA for the first time and saw the work of Romare Bearden, which really inspired me. And of course, I am a big fan of the collage work of the Dadaists, Russian Constructivists and early modernists.